instead of flying i wish that i could be safe on the ground...i wish that the air in the cold, dark, places we saw was warmer. i so want to be the one you show everything to... as in all the hallowed cities we see on our way, just know that the one thing i want to do is land. i want to be safe with you. your energy tells me of better times. i want to be part of those better times...i want to be a part of your life. all the advice and talking lips i see could never do you justice. i want to be the one you think of when you wake up, when you are happy, or when you are sad. i want to be able to share every part of me with you, and you to be able to give it all back...i have faith. i want to find you there. i want to rest easy in your arms...i know we can because we have. and all the fast winds and broken nights will subside...just have faith in me. --travis